Speak English with StorySpeaking: A car for a kiss?

Price: 94.99$
Hello! Welcome to the Story Speaking course. I’m Dmitry Volov, a TEFL-certified English teacher, and I have more than 6 years of experience teaching English. Well, If you’re reading this course description now, then you’re probably either: a beginner student of English, oryou may have learned English in school, in college or in a university, but you still speak slowly, you make many mistakes while speaking, or maybe you don’t speak English at all. If you are a beginner student – congratulations! You’re in the right course to learn how to speak English fluently. If you have learned English before, then there’s something I want to tell you: Most students learn English the traditional way: they analyze and memorize grammar rules, they read boring textbooks and do boring exercises. In fact, most schools teach English exactly this way, and many teachers think it’s the only way to teach! But guess what? It’s a very unproductive way to teach students to speak English. Why? Because when students are bored in the process, they have little or no motivation to learn English. As a result, they quit learning English and say to themselves, “Oh, I’m just not good at English!:(“, or, “English is too difficult for me!:(“, or, “I don’t have time to learn English!”. And even many organized and motivated students spend most of their learning time analyzing and memorizing grammar rules. They consciously try to apply these rules to construct sentences when they speak. Or they try to translate from their native language into English what they want to say. So, their speech becomes very slow and unnatural. You’re probably asking me right now “Ok, Dmitry, but what is the right way to learn to speak English fluently?”. You see, when you talk to people, usually you don’t have extra time to remember grammar rules or to translate in your head before you actually say something. That’s why you have to learn to think in English in order to speak English fluently. And this is exactly what this Story Speaking course is going to teach you. Why do I call this course Story Speaking? Well, it’s because I use a special kind of stories to teach you English: I tell a story a little bit, then I ask you a number of questions about the part of the story you’ve just listened to, then I tell you another part of the story and ask you some more questions about this part, and so on. As you listen to the story and answer the questions, a process called “deep learning” takes place in your mind, which means that language patterns (phrases and sentences) go deep into your brain, they go deep into your subconscious mind. So, as a result, you start to think in English. And the more you listen to the lessons and answer the questions, the better you become at thinking in English. It’s like a muscle that you build. And then, over a period of time, you will find that phrases will just appear in your head and you will know automatically what to say. You won’t be translating, you won’t think of the rules, because you will be able to think in English and it will be much easier for you to speak English! In this Story Speaking course you will also learn grammar subconsciously, like a native speaker, without thinking about grammar rules and without memorizing them. And you will also practice your pronunciation and improve your listening skills. The sentences from the Story Speaking course will be in your subconscious mind, and they will become your building blocks for many conversations you have with people. That’s the power of the Story Speaking method! I created the video lessons in this Story Speaking course as animated lessons. As I tell you the story and ask you the questions, you will see the animated images that will help you understand the meaning of the words, and you’ll also see the questions and the answers appear on the screen as text. I know some people are more visual leaners, other people are auditory learners, so, whichever type of learner you are, you will be happy with this course. And also because this course is designed as an animated course, it’s suitable for both beginner students and intermediate students. The Story Speaking method is even suitable for older people in their 50s or 60s who have never learned English before: it’s easy and fun to learn with this method, because they don’t have to analyze and memorize grammar rules. Like I said, the learning process is mostly subconscious! I’ve also provided audio versions of the lessons, so you can learn English while driving your car or while doing something else. So, I’m sure you’ll enjoy learning English with me. Go ahead and enroll in the Story Speaking course, and start speaking English today!