Complete guide to begin with Python for Data Science

Complete guide to begin with Python for Data Science
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A complete guide to begin your python learning for data science, data analysis and machine learning. For those, who has never written a single code in entire life and want to move into data science or advanced python, this course provides you a simple approach to learn coding from scratch using python as a tool and master it with illustrations and assignments. For those, who are already experienced in coding, but want to move into advanced python, this course provides you ample hands-on exercises and assignments for deeply understanding the concept. In this course, you will be learning from the very basics – which includes basic numbers, arithmetic operations, lists, sets, tuples, dictionaries, loops, if else statements, nested dictionaries, functions, recursive functions etc. We will be using Jupyter notebook in order to execute all the codes. Jupyter notebook is a tool that is being used by all the multinational organisation, who hire people for analytics and machine learning jobs. Key features: # Learn Python from scratch – from installation to writing your first code to understand the basics and finally to reach advance level. # No prior coding experience required. # Command yourself in Jupyter Notebook. # Prepare yourself for Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Python Development. Have a great learning ahead.

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