NLP Boot-camp: Hands-on Text mining in Python using TextBlob

NLP Boot-camp: Hands-on Text mining in Python using TextBlob
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In NLP Boot-camp: Hands-on Text mining in Python using Text Blob for Beginners course, you will learn Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Tokenization, Noun Phrase Extraction, N-grams, and so many new things. I will start from a very basic level where I will assume that everyone is an absolute beginner, having no knowledge regarding Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Natural Language Processing. So, I will be explaining everything in a very easy manner. I will start with Tokenization, Parts-of-speech tagging, Noun Phrase Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Spell Checking, Words Inflection, Lemmatization, Spell Checking, Words, and Noun Phrase Frequency, and N-grams. Then, I will jump to the intermediate level where I will explain how to develop your own Text Classification System and I will explain what is Naive Bayes Classifier, how to create a model, its training and testing. In the advanced/ final level, I will explain Model Accuracy, then I will again explain about Tokenizer, Sentiment Analyzer, Parts-of-speech Tagger, and Noun Phrase Extractor. For all these projects, I will use one of the easiest Python libraries for Natural Language Processing and that is Text Blob. This NLP Boot-camp: Hands-on Text mining in Python using Text Blob for Beginners course is designed in such a way that after this course, learning other advanced Natural Language Processing Libraries like NLTK, Tensor-Flow, and Keras, etc will be no more difficult for you.

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