3 Ways to Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome Symptoms

Computer Vision Syndrome Symptoms

Do you spend a lot of time in front of a computer? Computer Vision Syndrome can be really difficult to deal with. In this blog post, we will discuss 3 ways that you can prevent Computer Vision (CVS) Syndrome from happening and how to fix it if it does. First, let’s talk about CVS!


  1. Exercises

– CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) is a result of staring at a screen for too long, so be sure to get up and take breaks frequently. Every 20 minutes or so, look away from your screen and focus on something far off in the distance – it will help with eye strain!

– It is also caused by eye movement. Every 20 minutes or so, roll your eyes in a circular motion for about 30 seconds to help with that!

– CVS is worse when you are sitting still and looking at your screen straight on. Try standing up while working – it will reduce the Computer Vision Syndrome symptoms!

– It’s caused by looking at things that are close to you for too long. Try installing a program like flux to make the screen look redder – it will help your eyes not feel as tired and strained from constantly staring at blue light!


  1. Computer Settings

– Computer Vision Syndrome has also been linked to the brightness of your screen. Try reducing it!

– It is caused by looking at things that are close to you for too long, so try increasing the font on your computer.

– This will make it easier for your eyes to focus while working on a computer.

– Plus, it’s a result of staring at a screen for too long, so be sure to change the background on your computer! A patterned or colorful look will help your eyes take in more information and keep them from getting tired.


  1. Computer Glasses

Computer Vision has been linked to the glasses you wear while working on a computer. Computer Glasses are designed specifically for Computer users!

– CVS is caused by looking at things that are close to you for too long, so try wearing your glasses under your Computer Glasses.

– CVS try wearing your Computer Glasses during activities that aren’t related to computers – this will help your body get used to them. Don’t forget to take your glasses off before going back to work though!

CVS can affect people who spend a lot of time working with computers – don’t let it ruin your day! Try to take breaks frequently and be sure to use the tips we provided so you can prevent CVS from happening.

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a condition resulting from focusing the eyes on a computer display for protracted, uninterrupted periods. Prolonged viewing of computer screens can cause eye strain, as the eye muscles must focus at near-distance (computer screen) for many hours. Computer vision syndrome is not a disease; rather it occurs due to either an uncorrected refractive error or poor quality of visual input.

It affects individuals who spend long periods in front of computer monitors. It’s a leading cause of acquired binocular vision disorders, and it has been estimated that approximately 90% of Americans experience some symptoms associated with CVS.

The most common symptom of CVS is eye strain or asthenopia. This can be followed by blurred vision, dry eyes, redness in the eye(s), pain around or behind the eyes, and double vision.[citation needed] It is a result of focusing on a screen for prolonged periods. Symptoms include:

  1. Headache
  2. Neck Pain
  3. Blurred Vision
  4. Eye Strain
  5. Symptoms of Dry Eyes (feeling like your eyes are burning, stinging, tightness or scratchiness)
  6. Redness in the Eye(s)
  7. Pain Around or Behind the Eyes
  8. Trouble Focusing Your Vision to See Things at a Distance Clearly
  9. Feeling Disoriented/Dizzy
  10. Difficulty Sleeping


– Computer users should take frequent breaks when working on the computer and look away at something in the distance every 20 minutes or so for at least 20 seconds.

– Computer users should adjust the text size on their screens so that it is large enough to read without having to strain one’s eyes, especially if you’re getting older and your vision starts deteriorating.

– Computer users should avoid wearing glasses designed for reading while using a computer screen as they can cause Computer Vision Syndrome. Computer users should wear Computer Glasses or Computer Contact Lenses while working on the computer!

– When using a computer, try not to look at your screen from too close of a distance – this can cause CVS. Try sitting back further than you usually would so that you’re looking over the top of your glasses if necessary.

– Computer users should make sure the lighting in the room is correct and not too dark or too bright. If possible, use natural light instead of artificial lights as they are easier on your eyes.

– Computer users should take frequent breaks when working on the computer and look away at something in the distance every 20 minutes or so for at least 20 seconds.

– Computer users should adjust the text size on their screens so that it is large enough to read without having to strain one’s eyes, especially if you’re getting older and your vision starts deteriorating.



Computer Vision Syndrome is a result of staring at screens for long periods, so be sure to take breaks and use the tips we provided to prevent CVS from happening. It’s important to know how Computer Vision Syndrome Symptoms can affect your eyes. Try our tips for preventing CVS from happening!

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