100 Greek words we use in English and we didn’t know it!

Price: 19.99$
Welcome to 100 Greek words we use in English and we didn’t know it! a captivating online course that delves into the fascinating world of Greek words and their impact on the English language. Join us on an enriching journey where we uncover the etymology and cultural significance behind the Greek words that have seamlessly integrated into everyday English vocabulary. Through this course, you will develop a deep appreciation for the Greek language and its profound influence on numerous fields, including medicine, science, philosophy, and literature. We will delve into a plethora of captivating topics, ranging from the Greek origins of scientific terms like biology and psychology to the mythical origins of words such as narcissism and siren. You will explore the historical context in which these Greek words emerged and understand their meanings within their original cultural framework. Additionally, you will examine how these words have evolved over time and adapted to English usage, often acquiring new nuances and connotations along the way. By the end of this course, you will possess a comprehensive understanding of the Greek words that permeate the English language, enabling you to appreciate the linguistic interplay between two rich cultures and enhancing your overall language proficiency. Join us in unravelling the tapestry of Greek influence and discover the hidden gems within the English lexicon.