A Pragmatic Approach to Machine Learning with R

A Pragmatic Approach to Machine Learning with R
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Price: 79.99$

Data drives everything and machine learning is fast becoming the bedrock of all business processes.  The future of work belongs to those who can create machine learning, not to those that simply use its output. There is a shortfall of individuals who can create machine learning. Get the skills you need for the future of work. This is the same course, delivered by the same trainer, as shown in person to some of the world’s largest corporations. The instructor is available personally for questions and answers, via Udemy, with the same attention as if it were delivered in person. This training course presents machine learning in natural business environments, cutting through the traditional academic applications to get to valuable business outcomes instead. The course came about in a biographical fashion with the trainer documenting slides and procedures to reduce his skill fade after each machine learning consulting gig.  Over time it grew to the following resources (which are published alongside the free modules): Full training data was used throughout the course. The full PDF book of training procedures. The full PDF book of training slides used throughout the course. R has become the standard for machine learning. The cost efficiency of R – it is free – coupled with the incredible variety of supplementary packages available to augment its powerful command-based interface, makes it a one-stop shop. It is little wonder that it is unseating commercial rivals as the corporate choice. When taken together with the wide array of packages available to R, nearly anything required of an individual practising machine learning, is available in R, and therefore, without any cost. This course will develop your skills in data analysis, and summary statistics, as well as machine learning using regression, probability, decision trees, Naïve Bayesian networks and Neural Networks.

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