Analytics & Data Science for managers & humanitarians

Analytics & Data Science for managers & humanitarians
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For english-speaking students from russian-speaking scientist: the author of Russian best-seller ANALYTICS AND DATA SCIENCE: for non-analysts and 100% humanitarians.(is sold in largest online stores: AMAZON, OZON, Lit Res, RIDERO… russian edition only)The Instructor is practioner with over 20 years of experience using data science and analytics to drive meaningful improvements and strategic business decisions. Also he is one of Udmy’s top Russian instructor in category Business and the master of statistical tools (from Excel and  SPSS to programming language R). He is creator of MBA program and number of trainings for top and senior management of international corporations. The course very gradually (step-by-step, from simple to complex) plunges non-technical sciences professionals  (management, business, marketing, humanitarians, linguists, psychologists, sociologists, cultural scientists, economists, politologists, forensics, etc.) into an exciting digital world of statistics and probabilities – and will help to easily navigate, use and not be afraid of it The course will also be suitable for professional engineering and technical disciplines who have not studied data analysis, but want to understand it – without terrible formulas and cumbersome calculations The course is based on the most up-to-date materials, which were read on MBA programs and used in different projects (marketing and sociological research, personnel research, opinion surveys, development of psychodiagnostic tools and tests, analysis and forecasting, reorganization, staffing, remuneration, etc.)The materials are sufficient as for the beginner or newcomer  (student or specialist first time faced with statistics ), as for experienced professionals who wish to systematized knowledge, and also looked at effective application in management decisions of even such basic thing as descriptive statistics (mean, median, quartile). The author collected and very keep it simple explained  the most popular methods of statistical analysis and prognostic analytic that are universal for all sciences and professions. He gives only applied useable methods and concepts that completely enough for humanitarians in their work A very fascinating course about numbers and data that seem to non-technical professionals so boring and obscure…

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