Basics of Computer Science and Information Systems (BCSIS)
Price: 24.99$
The Basics of Computer Science and Information Systems course introduces you to the big picture (or Helicopter view) of 2 main interrelated topics – Computer Science and Information Systems. The aspect of Computer Science will focus on the fundamentals of Computer science and brief look into all of its areas of applications such as hardware, software, programming languages, computer networks, information systems and databases, data science and machine learning, web design, graphic designs, and multimedia etc. The Basics of Information Systems course introduces you to the big picture of Information Systems, and the types of Information Systems such as Computer based Information system, Business information system etc., and their applications. The course is intended to broaden scope of students and enable them to make an informed decision on which area of computer science and information systems will be most interesting for them to follow in detail. Course Objectives In this course, you will learn:- Definition of Computer, Science, and Computer Science- Knowledge Areas/Branches and Application of Computer Science including Job opportunities- Definition of Information, Information Systems, and their differences- Different types of Information and data management systems and their applications- Informed Decision Making in your next career path Course Pre-Requirements and Target Audience The course is designed for both beginners who do not have any prior background and for intermediate level people who also wish to extend their knowledge in how all areas of Computer Science and Information Systems are connected or defined. To achieve or fully take advantage of this course, it is important you have a laptop and can invest some time to search for and study more materials for those who wish to get engaged more after grabbing the basics. Job Opportunities – The course also enables you to find jobs in the following areas- Each topic or area of computer Science studies in this course exposes a huge number of job opportunities.- Depending on your eventual decision on your next career path, each course you will take will detail out the specific list of job opportunities for that course. Course Modules / Structure The Course is divided into 5 Modules: Module 1: Introduction to Computer and Computer Science Module 2: Introduction to Information and Information Systems Module 3: Types of Information Systems (IS) and Application Module 4: (Information) System Development Module 5: Organizations and Information System (IS)Finding the Course (Modules) Contents For each module, a number of videos are made available. These guide you step-by-step through the course. If you have issues with the course materials, please send us a feedback. NOTE: Your Review is Highly Valued We value your feedback, please leave us a review after finishing the course, it will always be appreciated for future improvements.