Data Science: Deep Learning Project for Self Driving Cars

Data Science: Deep Learning Project for Self Driving Cars
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This is a Hands-on Project. You learn by Practice. No unnecessary lectures. No unnecessary details. A precise, to the point and efficient course made for those who want to learn the most important part of Data Science: Importing Datasets, Building Models using the Datasets and Training and Testing the Models. Everything else revolves around this. Although, for the sake of this project we will using traffic signs for autonomous vehicles to learn about Deep Learning and Data Science. The same process can be repeated for other projects too. The same process and techniques can be repeated for other Deep learning projects. Some such projects that you can build following similar process are: Self Driving Cars (This project)Skin Cancer Detection Currency Detection Human Facial Recognition You will learn more in this one hour of Practice that hundreds of hours of unnecessary theoretical lectures. Data Science is the hottest job of the 21st century. You need good programming skills and analytical skills and years of hard work to be a Pro in Data science. This one hour course is precise , to the point and efficient. It has no unnecessary details. This is the only course you need. We understand our students are Professionals and have limited time and limited attention span. Taking a few months course and forgetting everything along the way is not a efficient way to lean. We learn by practice. Learn the most important aspect of Data Science: Importing and working with Datasets Building a Deep Convolutional Network Model using Keras Compile, train, test and analyze the model We will build a Traffic Sign Classifier using Keras. In this hands-on project, we will complete the following tasks: Task 1: Project Overview Task 2: Introduction to Google Colab and Importing Libraries Task 3: Importing and Exploring Dataset Task 4: Image Pre-Processing Converting image to grayscale Applying histogram equalization technique Normalization Task 5: Build a deep convolutional network model using Keras Task 6: Compile and train the model Task 7: Testing model with the test dataset & assess the performance of trained Convolutional Neural Network model Task 8: Saving the trained model Well be carrying out our entire project in Google Colab environment. That’s why pre-installation of libraries and dependencies are not required.

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