Data Science With Python PLUS Deep Learning & PostgreSQL

Price: 44.99$
Get instant access to a workbook on Data Science, follow along, and keep for reference Introduce yourself to our community of students in this course and tell us your goals with data science Encouragement and celebration of your progress every step of the way: 25% > 50% > 75% & 100%30 hours of clear and concise step-by-step instructions, lessons, and engagement This data science course provides participants with the knowledge, skills, and experience associated with Data Science. Students will explore a range of data science tools, algorithms, Machine Learning, and statistical techniques, with the aim of discovering hidden insights and patterns from raw data in order to inform scientific business decision-making. What you will learn: Data Science and Its Types Top 10 Jobs in Data Science Tools of Data Science Variables and Data in Python Introduction to Python Probability and Statistics Functions in Python Operator in Python Data Frame with Excel Dictionaries in Python Tuples and loops Conditional Statement in Python Sequences in Python Iterations in Python Multiple Regression in Python Linear Regression Libraries in Python Numpy and SK Learn Pandas in Python K-Means Clustering Clustering of Data Data Visualization with Matplotlib Data Preprocessing in Python Mathematics in Python Data Visualization with Plotly What is Deep Learning?Deep Learning Neural Network Tensor Flow Postgre SQLMachine Learning and Data Science Machine Learning Models Data Science Projects: Real World Problems… and more! Contents and Overview You’ll start with What is Data Science?; Application of Data Science; Types of Data Science; Cloud Computing; Cyber Security; Data Engineering; Data Mining; Data Visualization; Data Warehousing; Machine Learning; Math and Stats in Data Science; Database Programming; Database Programming 2; Business Understanding; Data Science Companies; Data Science Companies 2; Top 10 Jobs and Skills in Data Science; Top 10 Jobs and Skills in Data Science 2; Tools and Techniques in Data Science; Tools and Techniques in Data Science; Interview 1; Interview 2; Statistics Coding File; Median in Statistics; Finding Mean in Python; f Mean in Statistics Low and High Mean in Statistics; Mode in Statistics; p Variance in Statistics; Variance and Co-variance in Statistics; Quantiles and Normal Distribution in Statistics; Statistics 9; Coding File; Excel: Creating a Row; Creating and Copying Path of an Excel Sheet; Creating and Copying Path of an Excel Sheet 2; Importing Data Set in Python from Excel; Coding File; Linear Regression; Linear Regression Assignment Code; Linear Regression Assignment Code; Num Py and SK Learn Coding File; Numpy: Printing an Array; Numpy: Printing Multiple Array; Numpy: dtypes Parameters; Numpy: Creating Variables; Numpy: Boolean Using Numpy; Numpy: Item Size Using Bit Integers; Shape and Dimension Using Numpy; Numpy for 2D and 3D Shapes; Arrangement of Numbers Using Num Py; Types of Numbers Using Num Py; Arrangement of Random Numbers Using Num Py; Num Py and Sci Py; Strings in Using Num Py; Numpy: dtype bit integers; Inverse and Determinant Using Sci Py; Spec and Noise; Interpolation Using Sci Py; Optimization Using Sci Py; Defining Trigonometric Function; Num Py Array. We will also cover Pandas Coding File; What is Pandas?; Printing Selected Series Using Pandas; Printing Pandas Series; Pandas Selected Series; Data Frame in Pandas; Pandas Data Series 2; Pandas Data Series 3; Pandas Data Series 0 and 1; Pandas for Sets; Pandas for Lists and Items; Pandas Series; Pandas Dictionaries and Indexing; Pandas for Boolean; Pandas iloc; Random State Series in Pandas; Data Frame Columns in Pandas; Size and Fill in Pandas; Loading Data Set in Pandas; Google Searching csv File; Visualization of Excel Data in Pandas; Visualization of Excel Data in Pandas 2; Excel csv File in Pandas; Loading and Visualization of Excel Data in Pandas 3; Histogram Using Pandas; Percentile in Pandas; What is Clustering and K-Mean Clustering?; Python Coding File; Simple Plotting; Simple Plotting 2; Scatter Plotting; Marker Point Plotting; Assignment Code; Error bar Plotting; Error bar Color Plotting; Gaussian Process Code; Error in Gaussian Process Code; Histo Plotting; Histo Plotting 2; Color bar Plotting; Legend Subplots; Trigonometry Plotting; Color bar Plotting 2; Trigonometry Plotting 2; Subplots with Font Size; Subplots with Font Size 2; Plotting Points of Subplots; Grid Plotting; Formatter Plotting Coding; Grid and Legend Code Plotting; Color Code Coding;Histogram Color Code Coding; Histo and Line Plotting; Color Scheme for Histo; 3D Plotting; 3D Trigonometry Plotting; 3D Color Scheme; Neural Network Coding File; Neural Network Model for Supervised Learning; MLPClassifier Neural Network; Neural Prediction and Shape. This course will also tackle Coding File; Addition in Tensor; Multiplication in Tensor; Tensor of Rank 1; Tensor for Boolean and String; Print 2 by 2 Matrix; Tensor Shape; Square root Using Tensor; Variable in Tensor; Assignment; What is Postgre SQL?; Coding File; Naive Bayes Model of Machine Learning; Scatter Plotting of Naive Bayes Model; Model Prediction; Fetching Targeting Data; Extracting Text Using Naive Bayes Model; Ifidvectorizer for Multinomial; Defining Predict Category; Coding File; Iris Seaborn; Linear Regression Model; Adding and Subtraction in Python; Adding and Subtraction 2; Variable Intersection in Python; Finding len in Python; Basic Math in Python; Basic Math in Python 2; Basic Math in Python 3; Basic Math in Python 4; Trigonometry in Python; Degree and Radian in Python; Finding Difference Using Variables; Intersection of Sets in Python; Difference of Sets in Python; issuperset Code in Python; issuperset Code 2; Boolean Disjoint in Python; Variables in Python; Coding File; Current Date Time in Python; dir Date Time; Time Stamp in Python; Printing Day, Month and Year; Printing Minutes and Seconds; Time Stamp of Date and minutes; Microsecond in Python; Date Time Template; Time Stamp 2; Time Stamp 3; Time difference in Python; Time Difference in Python 2; Time Delta; Time Delta 2; Union of Sets; Time Delta 3; Assignment Code for Date and Time 1; Assignment Code for Date and Time 2; Assignment Code for Date and Time 3; Symmetric Difference in Python; Bitwise operator in Python; Logical Reasoning in Python; Bin Operator; Bin Coding; Binary Coding 2; Boolean Coding; Del Operator; Hello World; Boolean Algebra; Printing Array; Printing Array 2; Append Array; Insertion in an Array; Extension in an Array; Remove an Array; Indexing an Array in Python; Reverse and Buffering an Array in Python; Array into String; char Array in Python; Formatting an Array; Printing List; Printing Tuples in Python; Easy Coding; Printing a String; Printing Selected Strings; Printing New Line; Assigning Code; Open a File in Python; Finding a Path in Python File; Printing a String in Python 2; Printing Multiple String in Python; Addition and Multiplying String in Python; Boolean in String; Selection of Alphabets in String; Choosing Specific Words from Code; Choosing Words 2; Combining Integers and Strings; Assigning Values to String; String and Float; ord and chr Coding in Python; Binary Operation Code in Python; Binary Operation Code 2; int into Decimal in Python; Decimal to Binary; Adding Lists in Python; Empty List; Matrix Operation in Python; Dictionaries and Lists; Del Operator in Python; Printing Date Time in Python; Dictionaries Items; Pop Coding in Python; Lists and Dictionaries; Matrix Coding; mel Coding; mel Coding; Dictionaries Key; Finding Square of Lists; Dictionary Coding; Print Selected Lists; Tuples in Python; Tuples Coding; Print Tuples in Python; Sorted Tuples in Python; Add List in Tuples; Index in Tuples; List and Tuples in Python; Open My File; Scan Text File; Assignment; Lists and Dictionaries; Read Lines in Python. Then, Linear Functions; Inner Product in Python; Taylor’s Approximation in Python; Regression Model; Norm Using Python; Cheb Bound in Python; Zeroes and One in Num Py; Linear Combination of Vectors; Vectors and Scalars in Python; Inner Product of Vectors; Difference and Product in Python; Finding Angle in Python; Product of Two Vector in Python; Convolution in Python; Finding Norm in Python; Sum and Absolute in Python; Vstack and Hstack in Python; Derivatives Using Sym Py; Difference Using Sym Py; Partial Derivatives Using Sym Py; Integration Using Sym Py; Integration Using Sym Py; Limit Using Sym Py; Series in Python; Printing Leap Year in Python; Year Format in Python; Pyaudio in Python; Pyaudio in Python 2; Pyaudio in Python 3; Pyaudio in Python 4; Read Frame in Python; Shelve Library in Python; Assignment Code; Pandas Data Frame; Assignment Code. We can’t wait to see you on the course! Enrol now, and we’ll help you improve your data science skills! Peter