Future Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning (TM)

Future Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning (TM)
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Hello, I’m Noble. Let me share my journey as Global Future Skills & Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Expert. We have Served 7000+ Students and 500+ Teachers and 5000+ Other students, I have done Global Future Skills Implementation and Future Skills Research for last 15 Years. I am Lifelong Lerner of Future Skills, Future Technologies. I am Self Taught Computer Artificial Intelligence Scientist and Super Pure Consciousness Expert Value Spent on Skills: I have Spent 75000+ USD on 1. Digital Skills 2. Future Skills 3. Freedom and Transformation Skills 4. Technologies Skills 5. Soft Skills and I have done 500+ global digital and future skills trainings. I have done 100+ Project with these Skills with over 15 years:1. GE.2. Wipro Technologies.3. Himalayan Institute of Alternatives Ladakh.4. Teach for India.5. Harvard Medical School.6. Toastmasters International. Skills Research: Digital and Future Skills Research for last 15 Years and also have done Implementation real projects. I am Lifelong Learner of all thses skills. Skills Training Conducted: I have been conducting trainings for 7 years. I have been training professionals how to file Ideas, Kaizen, Innovative Ideas, Creativity, and Problem-Solving skills. I have been training CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, Contract Managers, Automobile Project Managers, Project Managers Executives, Teachers, Students, Collage Students, and Universities on Future Skills, Project Management, Future Technologies, Total Quality Management I do Running training daily as an athlete, I have been participating in WIPRO Runs and other marathons for the last 10 years Deep Pursuits: I have been doing deep Meditation ( have done 9 courses (10 days) & (served 10 days courses) from 2016. Teaching methodology is super simple: Super Simplicity Step to Step Process Simple Theory Simple Model Simple Implementation No Complexity Super Clarity. You Will Learn: What is Reinforcement Learning Use Case (Applications)What are Reinforcement Learning Applications used in Self-Driving Cars What Is AWS Deep Racer Industry Automation with Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning applications in Trading and Finance Reinforcement Learning in NLP (Natural Language Processin Reinforcement Learning applications in Healthcare More Reserch In Reinforcement Learning Applications Only purchases made here on Udemy will get lifetime course updates and personal support from the Instructor This course will be regularly updated with fresh content so you will always have access to up-to-date knowledge and information. Understanding the metrics, principles and concepts and practices it daily make the most out of it.

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