Machine learning with python [Data Science]

Machine learning with python [Data Science]
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Price: 19.99$

HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSEThis course is complete guide to both Supervised and Unsupervised learning using Python. This means, this course covers all the main aspects of practical Data Science and if you take this course you can do away withtaking other course or buying books on python based Data science. In this age of Big data companies across the globe use python to sift through the Avalache of information at their disposal.. By becoming proficient in unsupervised and supervised learning in python, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your careeer to the next level. LEARN FROM AN EXPERT DATA SCIENCE WITH 3+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: My Name is Aakash Singh and I had also recently published my Research Paper  in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IJSR  on Machine Learning Dataset. This course will give you robust grounding in the main aspects of Machine Learning-Clustering and Classification. NO PRIOR PYTHON OR STATISTICS OR MACHINE LEARNING KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED: you will start by absorbing the most valuable python  Data science basics and techniques. I use easy to understand hands on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult conceptsin python. My course will help you to implement the methods using real data obtained from different sources. After using this course you will easily use package like numpy, pandas, and mathplotlib to work with real data in python.. We will go through lab section on jupyter notebook terminal. we will go through lots of real life examples for icreasing practical side knowledge of  the programming and we should not neglect theory section als, which is essential for this course, by the end of this course you will be able to code in python language and feel confident with machine learning and you will also be able to create your own program amd implement were you  want. Most importantly , you will learn to implement these techniques practically using python , you will have access to all the data and scripts used in this course. remenber , i am always around to support my students Both python and machine learning are most neede skills Nowadays SIGN UP NOW!

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