Master Machine Learning: Basics, Jobs and Interview Bootcamp

Price: 199.99$
This course is designed by Manik Soni, professional Data Scientists so that I can share my knowledge and help you learn complex theory, algorithms, and coding libraries in a simple way. Moreover, the course is packed with practical exercises that are based on real-life examples. So not only will you learn the theory, but you will also get some hands-on practice building your own machine learning models. Master Machine Learning on Python Have a great intuition of many Machine Learning models Make accurate predictions Make a powerful analysis Make robust Machine Learning models Create strong added value to your business Use Machine Learning for personal purpose Handle advanced techniques like Dimensionality Reduction Know which Machine Learning model to choose for each type of problem Build an army of powerful Machine Learning models and know-how to combine them to solve any problem Questions for Job Interview Who this course is for: Anyone interested in Machine Learning. Students who have at least high school knowledge in math and who want to start learning Machine Learning. Any intermediate-level people who know the basics of machine learning, including the classical algorithms like linear regression or logistic regression, but who want to learn more about it and explore all the different fields of Machine Learning. Any people who are not that comfortable with coding but who are interested in Machine Learning and want to apply it easily on datasets. Any students in college who want to start a career in Data Science. Any data analysts who want to level up in Machine Learning. Any people who are not satisfied with their job and who want to become a Data Scientist. Any people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Machine Learning tools.
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