Pick Stocks using Data Science part 1

Pick Stocks using Data Science part 1
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One industry that will always be recession proof is Finance. There will be those that will increase their net worth and their will be those that will struggle immensely. One of the biggest mistakes that people make when investing is investing based on speculation, word of mouth, and hearsay. This is a Course for Investors not Traders! Investors look for Long Term gains that pay (preferably monthly) Qualified Dividends. Qualified Dividends are dividends you hold for longer than 60 days to get tax benefits. Investing in long term stocks properly is how to build wealth using Compound Interest! Have you always wanted to invest in the stock market but don’t know how to get started?This workshop is for complete beginners and professionals to learn how to make money within 30 days of investing. In this workshop you will learn: How to identify and analyze stocks using Data points?! How to make passive income investing in the stock market?! Learn How to make money picking Stocks that you can immediately get payments from. This is for people that have no or little experience investing in Stock Market! We will breakdown step by step (for Beginners) how we Invest: P/E Ratio (Price/Earnings Ratio tell us if company stock is overvalued)EPS (Earning Per Share helps us determine Stock Value)Beta Score (Gives us an insight on the stability of a stock)Volatility (Relates to the predictability of future earnings)Dividend Yield (This tells us how much profit to expect)

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