Python Programmer’s Ultimate Guide Zero to Hero

Price: 799$
Why should you subscribe to this Python course?This course is taught by Mr. Harsha Vardhan, a professional python programmer, mentor and team leader – worked on various projects in different roles. So he knows which is important and crucial area in Python concepts and that’s what is focused in the course. You will be able to write optimum Python code by following this Python code. Everything taught practically with diagrammatical explanation Focus on why to do some programming concept, apart from how We believe that the proper way to understand programming concepts is, by really doing it and learn from errors; and that is what used in this course. In many cases, we think about various possibilities in the coding and analyze reasons of errors if they appear on our way. Real world scenarios and use cases explained for each smaller concept of Python More scope for your involvement in practice with assignments / exercises, MCQs, interview questions etc. Source code, python cheat sheets are provided to download Captions (CC) in English are provided for all lectures You can get Instructor’s help by asking questions in Q & A section, if you face any challenge at your practice time Covers all essential concepts of Python rather than just rushing through basics / overview of several programming concepts. Check the course curriculum for more details. Course content will be kept up to date with future updates of Python Will the course teach me data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence?No, it is not – All of these topics are branches of Python programming. And all of them require a solid understanding of the Python language. Nearly all courses on these topics assume that you understand Python, and without it you will quickly become lost and confused. This course will give you that core, solid understanding of the Python programming language. By the end of the course you will be ready to apply for Python programming positions as well as move on to specific areas of Python, as listed above. I don’t know anything about programming. Will I still be able to learn Python?This course assumes you have no previous knowledge of programming. Whenever a programming term is mentioned in the class (e. g., a variable), that term is explained thoroughly, so you not only understand how to use that particular term in Python, you also understand what that term means in programming. What IDE/editor is used in this course?We use Py Charm Community (free) in all lectures, to build python programs. You can use it with Windows / Mac, as per your convenience. No Risk – Money-Back Guarantee Finally, there is no risk. You can preview first few lectures of the course for free. Once you buy this course, for some reason if you are not happy with the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee.