R Programming for Data Science for Absolute Beginners [2022]
Price: 199.99$
****Reviews**** I m gaining great new skills with this course. I had no exp in R , now I m gaining confidence. Recommended for the beginners – Myint Htoo**** Lifetime access to course materials. 100% money back guarantee ****If you are an absolute beginners in R , then this is the place. Learn R program right from the basic to intermediate and advance level. Learn how to do data visualizations on all kind of data sets. Create and access various R datatypes and objects like vectors, factors and dataframes. Create your own functions , loops and conditions. Work on various plots: scatter , box plots , histograms, bar charts and derive the business and actionable insights. Upload real world data like bank marketing data with 45,000 records Create and access R objects – vectors, list, factors, dataframes , matrices Do various mathematical operations on dataframes , vectors , list and other R objects. When , which and how to plot for Inferences Learn to write conditions, loops and functions Case Study Include: Identify which customers are eligible for credit card issuance -> Use R functions , loops and apply R knowledge gained to resolve the real world problem Root Cause Analysis of Uber Demand Supply Gap ->Understand business problems. ->Upload Uber Datasets ( drop time, pickup time, driver ID , destination , pickup point ) ->Do the data visualizations and find the various insights from the datasets -> Prepare PPT for the company CEO and other stakeholders.